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相信常搭飛機的老鳥們對於班機延誤、錯過轉機...等等大小狀況一定不陌生,但碰到這種情況該怎麼用英文應對進退呢?今天希平方就要來跟大家分享實用的相關單字與會話,讓你英文能力 level up!
connecting flight 轉接班機
Connect 就是「連接」的意思,所以 connecting flight 就是轉接班機。
I missed my connecting flight.(我錯過轉接班機了。)
alternate / alternative flight 替代航班
Alternate 和 alternative 當形容詞時具有「替代的」意思,所以航空公司為旅客安排的「替代航班」的英文就是 alternate / alternative flight。
transfer 轉機
transit 過境
flight delay 班機延誤
flight number 班機號碼
overnight accommodations 過夜住宿
compensation 補償
A: Excuse me. When will the flight arrive in Hong Kong?(不好意思。請問一下飛機預計何時抵達香港?)
B: Since the flight was delayed, we will arrive at Hong Kong International Airport around 9:50 p.m.(由於班機延誤的關係,大約是晚上九點五十分抵達香港國際機場。)
A: I have a connecting flight to Italy at 10 p.m. I don’t think I’ll be able to catch the flight. Could you arrange an alternate flight?(我有一班晚上十點飛往義大利的轉機。我想我是趕不上那班飛機了。可以請你安排替代航班嗎?)
B: Sure. Please leave your connecting flight number on this piece of paper. We'll try to arrange an alternate flight for you.(當然可以。麻煩您在這張紙上留下您的轉乘班機號碼。我們會試著為您安排替代航班。)
A: All right. Thank you.(好的,謝謝你。)
(Twenty minutes later.)(20 分鐘後)
B: I'm sorry. Your original flight is the last flight to Italy of the day, and your alternate flight will take off at 11 a.m. tomorrow morning.(很抱歉。您原本的班次是今天最後一班飛往義大利的航班,而您的替代航班會在明天早上十一點起飛。)
A: I see. By the way, will the airline provide me accommodations for the night?
B: Yes. Since the flight delay was our fault, we will provide you overnight accommodations and meals as compensation.(會。由於班機延誤是我們的疏失,我們會提供您過夜食宿作為補償。)
A: That's good. Oh, I have one more question. Is there anyone I can ask for help after I arrive at the airport?(那就好。喔,我還有一個問題。請問抵達機場之後,我可以找誰幫忙呢?)
B: A member of our staff will be waiting for you at the arrival gate. He will lead you to the transfer counter and take you to the hotel.(我們的工作同仁會在出口處等您。他會帶您至轉機櫃檯,並送您前往旅館。)
A: Great. Thank you so much!(太好了。真的非常謝謝你!)
B: You're welcome.(不客氣。)